Embracing Love: Living in the Present for the Future

I love you. What else can I say but I love you. I’m ready to give my life totally for you but I know there’s time for everything. I believe that good things happen in the right order of time. We just have to ride with the flow and go with the process.

As long as you’ll still be there when I ask your hand so we can walk down together the isle and exchange our vows…

As long as you won’t change your mind and would still choose to love me like nothing has changed since the day, we professed our love for each other…

As long as you keep holding on to me, trusting my words that I keep you safe and take care of you…

And as long as we still love each other no matter when and how for what matters is the present…

When the present keeps telling us we’re right for each other; when the present keeps persisting the love we have each other no matter what others say; and when the present is constantly letting us feel deeply our love for each other that sometimes we have to shed a tear to express our longing and pains, then we don’t have to think of the future.

We exactly don’t know what the future holds for us but we know exactly Who holds the future… And that is You and Me. We make the reality. We make things happen and so we prepare what will happen in the future for both of us.

But then again, let’s not think too much of the future for it will take our focus away of what we have for each other. What we have is indeed true. I can’t deny it. You can’t deny it. If destiny is true… If there’s someone Up there who governs the movement of the stars, planets and human beings, then He must be very clever and wise for He has successfully intertwined the meeting of our paths together in the intersection of life. This life, that’s filled with mysteries, wonder, surprise yet beautifully meaningful and joyful…

I love you, my darling. I still can’t forget you sent me a video of yourself in 4 frames saying there are four of you that’s loving me… Whatever that 4 means but for me, I take it that you love me and if one person of you is not enough, then a second, third, fourth or more would have to do it just to let me know you truly love me in all ways… With that, I’m grateful of your love. Grateful is not enough but allow me to continually prove my love for you in whatever I can.

I love you. What else can I say but I love you truly…

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